Sunday, November 25, 2007


You tube is GREAT fun!
It lets you view all sorts of wake up cat. Plain and simple, black and white:

Or a number of your favorite bands. How about Kane Hodder in Centrailia Plying with Trains?

Oh yes, library things...? Well, I'm sure we will be seeing more of those.

See you in Cyber Land



I wasn’t too keen about the idea of RSS. Mainly because I had no idea what it was.
Really Simple Syndication. Hmmmm. I guess the most confusing part was that I had have yet another account in something else to apply it with.

Well, I thought about a weekly star guide I used to enjoy listening to. It was broadcast on NPR.
So, I went to the NPR website and out of all their RSS feed options I saw no star guide. So I went back to Google and did a star guide search. That took me to stargazer, which was a computer tip program with an RSS feed. Well, I guess that could be useful. And it had a tip on RSS!:

After all that I remembered it was really called StarDate. It comes from the University of Texas McDonald Observatory.

So, now that I've subscribed to 3 of my favorite bloggers from krl2.0, I've also got live feeds coming in about the stars.
How cool is that?
Onward to Flickr....!