Sunday, November 25, 2007



I wasn’t too keen about the idea of RSS. Mainly because I had no idea what it was.
Really Simple Syndication. Hmmmm. I guess the most confusing part was that I had have yet another account in something else to apply it with.

Well, I thought about a weekly star guide I used to enjoy listening to. It was broadcast on NPR.
So, I went to the NPR website and out of all their RSS feed options I saw no star guide. So I went back to Google and did a star guide search. That took me to stargazer, which was a computer tip program with an RSS feed. Well, I guess that could be useful. And it had a tip on RSS!:

After all that I remembered it was really called StarDate. It comes from the University of Texas McDonald Observatory.

So, now that I've subscribed to 3 of my favorite bloggers from krl2.0, I've also got live feeds coming in about the stars.
How cool is that?
Onward to Flickr....!

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